Rheology and Tribology
Our lab is currently equipped with 3 shear rheometers from Anton Paar. Due to their modular design and the large variety of accessories available, a broad range of measurements are possible with those machines including:
- viscosity measurements dynamic
- shear measurements (= determining viscoelastic parameters)
- LAOS measurements (= large amplitude oscillations)
- macro-indentation
- interfacial rheology
- rotational tribology
A description of exemplary measurements can be found in the following paper:
K. Boettcher, S. Grumbein, U. Winkler, J. Nachtsheim, and O. Lieleg, Adapting a commercial shear rheometer for applications in cartilage research, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 093903 (2014)
For a full list of equipment/accessories available, please contact
M.Sc.Bernardo Miller Naranjo b.miller [at] tum.de
We can offer those measurements as part of a scientific collaboration (= free of charge) or as a service request (fees will depend on duration and complexity of the measurements requested).
If you are interested in performing such measurements in our lab, please fill in the form below and add it to your contact to
Prof. Lieleg oliver.lieleg [at] tum.de