
44th Assistant Seminar of the “Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Fügetechnik im DVS (WGF)”

Inspiring days at the 44th Assistant Seminar of the “Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Fügetechnik im DVS (WGF)”, (German Scientific Society for Joining)! In September, our chair participated in this fruitful seminar, which took place in the idyllic Hotel Bollmannsruh at the Beetzsee in Päwesin. This event gathered research enthusiasts from the fields of welding and joining technology, additive manufacturing, and simulation, including professors,…

Academic Network Munich for Additive Manufacturing (AM)²

Five professorships in the field of #additivemanufacturing in Munich meet for scientific exchange. At the Academic Network Munich for Additive Manufacturing (AM)² meeting, the following topics were presented and discussed: - Additive Manufacturing in reactive process atmospheres (Universität der Bundeswehr München) - Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Components produced by Cold Gas Spraying and Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (Fraunhofer…

New science manager at the chair

Since the end of March 2023, Dr. rer. nat. Anja Drescher supports our team at the Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing. She is responsible for the EU project “Combining DISsimilar materials into functional large-scale and light-weight COmponents and structures - DISCO20230” and the BMWK project “Future Sustainable Car Materials – FSCM”. Ms Drescher studied biology in Freiburg and had her doctorate at LMU in biology. Since…

Disco2030 is underway!

Meet the new #HorizonEU funded project @Disco2030! Its goal is to make metal-based additive manufacturing faster, cheap, and more sustainable. The @DISCO2030 project aims to develop two innovative hybrid manufacturing methods for joining dissimilar metal-metal and metal-polymer materials. Both proposed methods are underpinned by #AdditiveManufacturing (AM) technologies from the emerging technology families of #PowderBedFusion (PBF) and Directed…

Lighthouse project: Development of new concepts with TUM participation

Producing cars with sustainable materials Research institutions and companies from various industrial sectors are developing new approaches to using sustainable materials. The core of the consortium project "Future Sustainable Car Materials" (FSCM) is to develop innovative process routes and material concepts across large parts of the value chain. The BMW Group is leading the lighthouse project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of…

Prof. Peter Mayr appointed Fellow of the American Welding Society

The American Welding Society (AWS) is the world's largest professional society in the field of welding and joining technology, with more than 70,000 members. The goals of the AWS is to advance the science, technology and application of welding and related joining and cutting processes worldwide, including additive manufacturing, brazing, soldering and thermal spraying. In November, Professor Peter Mayr became one of only three scientists in 2022…

Towards Sustainable Aerospace

New collaboration between TU Munich, Munich Aerospace and University of Bundeswehr Munich. More details can be found in the PDF document.

FORMNEXT – Where Ideas Take Shape

Impressions of Formnext 2022 can be found in Reisswolf 04/22 (page 19)!

MAT & IMAT Doctoral Seminar 2022

This time, the yearly joint doctoral seminar of the chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing from TU Munich, headed by Professor Peter Mayr, and the Institute of Materials Science, Joining, and Forming from TU Graz, headed by Professor Christof Sommitsch, was hosted in Munich from 22nd to 24th June 2022. The event included presentations of the doctoral students from both institutes about their current research work and…


BELENUS - "Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion" is a EU-funded Horizon2020 project involving 14 different partners all across Europe. This video will give you a brief introduction to this ambitious project.