
Academic Network Munich for Additive Manufacturing (AM)²

Five professorships in the field of #additivemanufacturing in Munich meet for scientific exchange. At the Academic Network Munich for Additive Manufacturing (AM)² meeting, the following topics were presented and discussed:

- Additive Manufacturing in reactive process atmospheres (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
- Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Components produced by Cold Gas Spraying and Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (Fraunhofer IGCV)
- Manufacturing and Joining of AM Structures of Critical Components (TUM Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing)
- In-situ Quality Assurance using Infrared Thermography in Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Plasitcs (TUM Professorship of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing)
- Hybrid manufacturing: Utilizing the advantages pf PBF-LB and casting (TUM Chair of Materials Science)

If you are interested in the topics in more detail, have a look at the respective websites.

Thanks to Prof. Christian Seidel and the Smart Manufacturing Lab of the Munich University of Applied Science for hosting and also preparing the BBQ!